is this a joke? [bugged from level 1 on]

Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:09 am


i've just freshly installed crysis and started the campaign.

do you remember the first scene when you get handed a pistol?

immediately after i receive the weapon i fall and find myself in water under the ground!!! wtf?

i see some containers and a lot of white balls. what the hell is this?

anyone else had this experience and has something to fix this? i already started new campaigns but it wont work.
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:53 am

Maybe you have just walked off the ledge. Happened to me, just jump back up and you're good to go.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:13 pm

(Its not a joke mate if that's true) we where told Cryengine 3 cull's automatically, So what we where told seems to be BS.

Don't no for sure still waiting for release to play C3,
but this seems to brings us back to that old chestnut,
under ground water rendering, where there should not be water,
hitting GPU performance hard, causing FPS drops,
was the water properly rendered? if that's the case then are GPUs are rendering water under ground unnecessarily, who knows how far the under ground water goes, this would explain a lot, I'm asking these things for the truth, not to be in denial, if this is true then there's a lot to explain.
but there will be the half baked, glass house explanations, trolling pack of attack wolf's who just lick Crytec's crusty, instead of finding out if they are using this method to cause GPUs to struggle, deceiving us, to make out the Graphics are to good for your GPUs to handle. if this is true then that's bad man.

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:20 am

yes the water was rendered...

but not properly. i dont understand in the first place why there is water rendered below the "top level".

unfortunately the screenshot i made was black...


i didnt walked off the ledge, i spawned in the water! and it was all bugged. it wasnt like i was swimming in the sea by accident. i dropped through the world in water!!!

seriously. i cant play this game as this cant get solved.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:03 am

I found a bug for myself too...
After i "clear" the first 2 zones, and i hack the first terminal, the door won't open!
Tried to restart a new campaign and all but nothing worked...
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:06 am

I found that putting water on low I gained like 10-15 fps with no noticeable difference in the water quality. I don't stop to stare at the water when I'm trying to keep my head on. Also the shadows look very similar between med, high, and very high. Putting shadows on medium net you another 5 or so fps. So between the water and shadows you could gain as much as 20fps. Try it out for yourself.
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:59 pm

I found that putting water on low I gained like 10-15 fps with no noticeable difference in the water quality. I don't stop to stare at the water when I'm trying to keep my head on. Also the shadows look very similar between med, high, and very high. Putting shadows on medium net you another 5 or so fps. So between the water and shadows you could gain as much as 20fps. Try it out for yourself.

sorry, but this has anything to do with the initial post.

i find myself in the water right after the start of the campaign. i fall through the world in the water and there is nothing i can do about it.
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:41 am

Water rendering under the level has been there since C2. Don't ask me why, the CryEngine 3 SDK also loads an envrionment full of water.
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Post » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:08 pm

sorry, but this has anything to do with the initial post.

i find myself in the water right after the start of the campaign. i fall through the world in the water and there is nothing i can do about it.[/quote]

Oh right sorry dude. Got my posts mixed Sorry.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:41 am


yep fresh install and white balls everywhere and key bridge missing - went onto online multiplayer and white balls everywhere seems like a rendering issue - Crytek what is going on? no testing?pleased respond as have been looking forward to this and CANT play............................
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