Change of settings of the server

Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:24 am

Hello, all! I would like to ask that developers made little changes to settings of servers! Namely:
1) To change wait igrok time prior to the beginning of a round (to make infinitely! as the player which I will outgrow, can't work at a map and wait when other players will arrive to the server! )
2) To change the game "Modifier"! (I it simply don't see still any server on the Maximum modifier! Administrators can't simply make so that the server was on the Maximum modifier and thus also lifted discharges! Thus, it is impossible to make! )
3) Full access to a server configuration! There is no such opportunity to change settings of the server and to disconnect not necessary parameters! If you disconnect them, the server becomes without increase in experience! And why to me to play on such server where I don't want to see the interface of cartridges and so on!
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Jessica White
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