I'm MF Patrick and i'm doing the Stealth Walktrough of this amazing game .
I won't be killing much enemies , only when i really have to to simplify my job or when the game says so .
I've done the Hitman Absolution walktrough on Purist getting the Silent Assassin in every mission possibile and the walktrough of Dishonored on very hard getting the Ghost rank .
Also i'm working on Max Payne 3 walktrough on Old School Difficulty .
I love stealth games , this is the reason i'll be playing Crysis 3 this way .
I know it makes the game a little bit easier but i didnt find any of these kind of walktroughs on youtube . Everyone starts stealthy and then they kill everyone

I hope you enjoy and remember to leave me any feedback . Positive or negative and if negative tell me what you didn't like so i can try to fix it and get better .
Thank you very much
The first video