This is the Death script i put on all the undead i have storming Sadrith Mora, is there anyway someone can point me in the direction of a travel script? you see i have death appearing on the path north of the Dirty Muriels Cornerclub and i wanted him to go through sadrith mora to Fara's Hole in The Wall.
Begin BAW_Death_Scriptshort NoLoreif ( MenuMode == 1 ) Returnendifif ( gethealth = 0 ) returnendifif ( GetDistance "Player" < 20480 ) if ( GetDeadCount "vori" < 2100 ) StartCombat "vori" endif if ( GetDeadCount "telvanni guard" < 21000 ) StartCombat "telvanni guard" endif if ( GetDeadCount "telvanni sharpshooter" < 21000 ) StartCombat "telvanni sharpshooter" endifendifend