Wth is that sprint toggle like FC3, its the most horrible setting i ever see in a game.
Why the hell didnt you keeped "keep press sprint key" to sprint like that you can stop sprint and still walk by releasing the sprint key...
Now you HAVE to stop ANY movement to be able to walk again.. seriously didnt you even try you own game before set a horrible setting like that !?
How can we come back to a normal sprint where you have to keep press the sprint key to sprint ?
Let us decide HOW we want to control our character... like BF3, who offer the CHOICE of double tapping move forward to sprint OR use the sprint key ( and its not a dumb press once sprint key and you have to stop moving to stop the sprint... )
Where is the toggle zoom key ( and btw using the mouse Wheel like in ALL FPS pc game would be better )
Where is the hack key ?
I knew you where producing a console game for the gameplay, but forget to correctly setup basic control is a real SHAME
BTW, where is the HUD size control ? where is the option to turn off thoses damned useless middle screens messages ? ( low ammo reload - low energy ) we already have a HUD with thoses information, we are not so idiot to not be able to look at the lower right screen corner....
the crosshair is like c2 damned too thick too.... like all message like : "press f to so the super interesting hacking minin game."
PC graphic pc graphic, pc graphic.. yeah yeah cool, and what about PC interface a decent control management ?