I pre-ordered Crysis 3 many days ago from Play Station Store, but in 22th of this month, when i download the game and i tryed to play multiplayer mode, it doesn't found any mach, it was the first day so it doesen't mattered. Few days later i tryed to play online, but the problem persist: I continued having these problem.
So I decided to investigate in Play Station Network, EA and gamesas, but I only found one person who have the same problem than I (no, it hasn't any answers). But yesterday night, i found a post in EA forums that says that I have to wach for "UPnP" and the ports of my router. I know what are the ports but I don't know anithing about "UPnP". However i went to the router confuguration and i desactived and actived the UPnP option (I also opened the ports).
So this morning I thought that the problem were solutionated, but NO, I STILL HAVING THIS PROBLEM.
If someone knows how I can play multiplayer he (or she) would do a big favor.