i think because of all the over grown areas it looks darker, dirter, ect. this may cause you to think it is not as crisp as Crysis 2. I felt the same as you but as I played I would stop and just look at the area for what it is, very nice detailing. So I think the way it was designed may lead you to think its not as nice and polished as Crysis 2. Also the brown underlying color tones don't allow some areas to pop with clean lines.
yea im just really not a fan of brown..just like the BF3 Aftermath dlc maps..everyone says how "beautiful" the maps look..which they do..but again..they're all so BROWN lol i hate that...
im obviously mainly speaking about the multiplayer tho..Singleplayer looks gorgeous
just the art style of it really, museum map looks stunning if you take time to look at it, the maps with more vegetation seem to look worse as the consoles can't handle it, the dam, and ship map looks much better surfaces are alot higher resolution as not so much other stuff to concentrate on. still looks great on aging consoles
yes, looks great on an old system, looking forward to how they will handle next gen consoles. if they can push this gen and make it looks this great I am excited to see next gen games from Crytek. Campaign looks amazing and MP looks pretty great as well. one of the best FPS franchises we have now. IMO. I
i noticed the empty doorway on airport with the shingles (towards the back part of the map by the down plane on the inside) ..the shingles dont even move when you touch them :\...on pc they free flowed naturally..i know thats real minor..just really seem like the graphics in MP are lacking something..
like the beauty of impact from c2,skyline,and the dlc maps...meh