Well I completed the campaign in 5hrs, 28mins, and 45secs...

Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:50 pm

First Id like to say, Graphics.......are.......Insane! I believe it now when they said they have maxed consoles 100% the details are ridiculous!!! even for console. But also I got to the end of writing this and realized how insanely long it became/will become depends how you want to see it, so a word of warning this pretty much turned into a review, than simply how I didn't approve of how short the campaign was....but yea back on topic....

As the title suggest, Honestly! I know the game has a bug where if you die the timer up to that point for the overall campaign length get's reset to your last check point, which means the entire campaign only records your overall play through when you didn't die. But 5 and a half hours? I saw another thread for a completion in 4 hours...My playthrough was a bit longer as I took my time in places because I'm a stealthy kind of guy, but really for a finale to a series of great games...that's it?

This is the first time I have ever wrote my opinion on a games ending, and I get the sense from how Crysis 1 ended up being, to the end of Crysis 3 I resort to the idea that this was not entirely the ending they had planned, or how they wanted it told. It honestly seems rushed in so many ways, including the ending. But really I just want other people's thoughts, and I only completed the game last night and regardless of how it turned out there is a lot to take in. So I am either a tad rusty on the details on a few things including the previous games that I will get into in a moment, or are things that Crytek failed to address or seemed too. *Warning will be covering information that are spoilers for those who haven't yet beat the game..

The series has more plot holes and gaps then Mass Effect 3. First of all what happened after Crysis 1 and what happened to No-Mad? I heard in Crysis 3 that he died some time after the events of Crysis 1, Unless I missed something in Crysis 2 which I doubt considering you are Alcatraz the entire game and there is minimal reference to the first game. I haven't completed Crysis 2 since the release, and I broke the game a while ago so there is not chance of playing it again. Crysis 1 to 2 had a few year's gap in between but wasn't terrible in filling some of the events that happened since the Lingshan incident. However some other questions still spark such as what happened to Psycho in Crysis 2? Obviously Prophet and Psycho lost contact considering the gap from the first to the 3rd game but why, where was he? Also why is New york so important with the setting, and why are Ceph so interested in it? It is clearly an invasion from the beginning on a global scale but you never here anything on what's happening on the rest of the planet, and with the nanodome in Crysis 3 it's obvious they intended on keeping the Ceph in/out whilst powering the world with the Alpha Ceph, but how long did that even take to build (the nanodome I mean)?

Why was prophet locked up?
Honestly from what we see at the end of crysis 2 with him running like a bad-ass after he flattened the Ceph from New york and becoming "prophet", to then seeing psycho spring out of nowhere 24 years later to save an incarcerated Alcatraz/Prophet infused nanosuit hybrid..person :S Don't get me wrong it's good to see Psycho back, but the gaps and resulting questions are the biggest "WTF" right now and even more extensive when you play through it all. I know that prophet was taken out with K-volts from some C.E.L.L elite or something in Siberia, and I have just read now that the whole incident was because of him searching for the Alpha Ceph, and the reason they took him out was the threat he imposed on C.E.L.L's plans. They were also skinning there suits for the imbedded Ceph tech...I read that from another source as that's first I've heard from it, either that's my bad stupidity or that's some ill story telling.

What happened to Hargreave, Nathan Gould, Tara Strickland..you know the few main characters in Crysis 2? Oh and chino?

Since when was C.E.L.L a global power? I mean this is probably me again for not catching up on or have forgotten seen as though I haven't played Crysis 2 for a while, but the military seemed to have survived at the end of Crysis 2, and played a big part in the storyline as I recall you get dropped off in an elevated central park by them in multiple hijacked C.E.L.L choppers...? I know that Psycho is with the Resistance or whatever they are officially called, which are I believe the remnants of the US marines you fight alongside in Crysis 2 etc etc. But you never see any of the ones you start out with in the beginning of Crysis 2, that's fine and all but it makes the resistance that much more unfamiliar, wouldn't have hurt to had chino in. So for that clearly after 24 years the situation has deteriorated and things have changed but becasue of these huge time gaps there is PLENTY of room for more games to explain it all in, even if they are expansions like warhead where you can actually play the 24 year gap...or to have actually explained everything a lot better and extended on the game int the first place, 5 hours really didn't cut it!

The ending
Okay this is both on a gameplay and story based perspective. The ending seemed rushed, some may say "Yea obviously look at Crysis 2's multiplayer EA only care about money and will rush any game to launch a month early" well? I actually am rearing quite closely to that allegation as much as I hate to admit it, because I find it difficult to believe that Crytek would place such a plane end to a great franchise, that reflects quite so on it's reviews and meta score where it's average is around 80/100 that's really bad comparing to Crysis 1 and 2. Now, I loved Crysis 1 and 2, the multiplayer for Crysis 2 was an award winner in my eyes and I have said time and time again, it was amazing for it's gameplay and everything else SP included. Crysis 3's MP is also fantastic I have only had a few games..still has it's severe connection issues also seen in Crysis 2, also had my fair share of rage but I enjoyed it just the same, maps are HUGE and graphics are unbelievable! But tracing back to the ending, what's going to happen now they have destroyed the Alpha Ceph and the ship through the wormhole? The Ceph's home world still exists what's to stop them coming back?

The initial fight with the Alpha Ceph could have been improved also on a gameplay aspect in terms of where and what you fought, it just wasn't satisfying really, especially compared to the great end boss of the original Crysis and we all know how pitiful the "boss" fight at the end of Crysis 2 was, this compared to that is of course a step up. But taking all those into account even after you destroy the Alpha and get zipped up into space how you destroy the Ceph ship is just (to think of a better word) Crap! and well just disappointing. I wanted and was expecting to bored the ship and destroy it internally like the moment in the Halo Reach trailer "Deliver hope" and heck I'd rather have prophet die and rip off both that AND Mass effect 3 than the ending we got, that sense of "epicness" is something it lacked but something it truly deserved. Holding the right trigger for a brief and lazy few seconds and release to see the little Ceph space ship (Yea I say little in an undermining and pitiful way) get destroyed and cause a huge shock wave, then after see prophet plummet to earth which happens to be the Lingshan Islands defines "rushed" in my opinion. I mean sure that's cool and all having an "end to where you started" and vice-versa kind of finale, but prior to that experience made me feel rather placid and non caring about the whole thing. So prophet becomes the suit or the suit becomes prophet and he is his old ceph I mean self again (but with stealth capabilities for skin). Also to watch the entire rolling credits was HORRENDOUS!!! It's even longer than Crysis 2's was, but needless to say I sat through it for 10 maybe 15 minutes expecting a prologue vid, and I did get it thank god...but actually tuned out to be a rather pointless and unfulfilling one to the one I was hoping for, like oh you know...like how on earth did Psycho get down from the Alpha Ceph maybe, and general updates on the whole affair that's just gone on!? A radio commentary that you couldn't really hear or notice much depending how much you really wanted too didn't explain much either. Also if you want to know what the prologue video is you can sit watching the credits for 10 minutes while songs loop, or go on youtube if you really don't want too waste your time.

You might hate me for saying it but I'd honestly expected Prophet to die with his sense of human sacrifice he had already made, sure there are so many different ways to end a series and only a few make it great, as much as Mass effect 3's ending suffered greatly in the majority of fan's opinions at the time it didn't suffer mine. I thought it was perfect as it was until I was informed of the plot holes and general gaps that were still there. They did patch that quite well with the Extended DLC they released months afterwards but I still loved it just the same.

I'd like to finish off by saying how great the experience was even if it was slightly disappointing in the route they took. All of this is just my opinion and there will be people who completely disagree with what I have said. But I have been writing this for far too long now And it's probably been a waste of time but I thought I'd give my opinion on it and hopefully got a few people to agree with me. I love Crysis, all of them really, I will play through Crysis 3 again on supersoldier later on definitely (Even if the achievement is bugged), I just hope they don't let Crysis die now because they reached magical number "3" and instead fill in the gaps with an expansion or something Crysis related, like they did with Warhead.

Anyway same old

Peace out!

I FibreOptic I
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:44 am

I did it in 4 hours 55min(Post-human warrior), without rushing, did all the secondary objectives and everything.
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