Crysis 3 - Very weird framerate issue

Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:51 pm

Hi everyone,

I bought shiny new hunter edition and i looked forward to play it, but i experience very strange problem with framerate.

When i start the game and initiate campaign, game is being loaded, then black screen appears for a long moment ( like 20 seconds ) and then game is started, BUT with totally poor framerate.. i tried FRAPS and it's like 10 - 15 frames per second. The interesting part is that it doesn't matter what settings i choose. When i decreased settings to lowest details possible, i had fps like 15 and, when max it out all, i received 10 fps. I tried to google it and there was one suggestion to turn off the vsync, so i did and tried again and it went all the same, so i restart computer and then suddenly i was like 50-60 fps.. i exit the game and today it's 15 fps again and i'am not able to get it back in any way.. i tried to play with NVIDIA control panel, turn off adaptive vsync and everything, tried to rollback to older drivers from the latest ones.. nothing.. what the heck, i mean this is really sad.. is the game or what?

I have Windows 7 64bit premium ( two months old installation )
i5 2500K
8 gigs DDR3

i'am able to play any game with smooth and nice framerates on high settings, crysis 2 max out no problem. There is something wrong with the drivers or the game and i'am desparate now and i'am pretty sure it's not my system, i have clean nice installation, latest drivers and decent hardware configuration and latest update directly from Origin, so what is going on here?
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:50 pm

Good question, one thing we know this game has some serious performance issues.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:59 am

Force vsync off completely in control panel. Also set to maximum performance in panel not adaptive. Up[grade to the newest TITAN drivers and use the modded inf file. Checl there in nothing going on in the background like an update or scan.
Go to MSCONFIG and disable everything from start up but NOT your antivirus. Restart PC.
Set everything to the lowest setting and start to enable settings one at a time. The start of the game is hard on systems so it will
get better but 10 fps is way too low for your system. Try setting different screen res and experiment. Try a repair in origin.

Most of all, do you have your 2600k overclocked, if not see if you can push it up. You should be able to get allot more out of it.

The first level is very cpu intensive as well as gpu so it will make things run better. Make sure you have hyper-threading enable in bios.
In this game that will give you 5% increase in framerate on cpu intensive areas.
Make sure to defrag your drive as this will also help. It's probably something simple it's just finding it.
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