1. "Psycho" - after few days people get decent grasp on MP and now you just can't find 5 people in one place, even on Crash Site there is practically no "Crash Pod Huggers". After few hours of DM i was able get only one SK for "Relentless" (4 fast kills) and that's it.
ATM i have like 4 "Psycho" SK's due to extreme luck with low level player and situation is getting worse each day.
2. "Puncture" - Sorry but where i can find any object which can be punctured? o.O Yes it is possible to get it but to me it looks like these SK's are random like shooting through a corner of wall or something like that...
3. "Stealth Kills" - this one is completely broken, detection svck so hard that getting one of those per game is freaking miracle and we need like 100 (maybe more) to finish this SK =.="
4. I was going to say "Incoming!" but this one even bugged (reset after game is closed) is easy to do just don't turn of game and grind all 25.
I mean seriously isn't this to much for one freaking dogtag? Can't we have something else instead of Psycho SK? =.=" I do not enjoy playing frustrating games just to get 5 fast kill in a row and always after 3-4 kill someone screwed it up or there is simply not enough people to get all 5 in one place =.="