» Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:56 am
This game is **** heavy in graphics, i mean, Crysis 2 ran on maximum, with no problems, but 3?
when i run it on max it is playable, but, there are some corners, or some very "undetailed" areas, the game runs smooth. it drastically falls from "slow motion smooth" to "High motion smooth" and it's indeed very annoying.
in c&c Kane's Wrath, there was an option to lock the minimal FPS to at least 30. too bad Crytek didn't put such an option in C3.
can i do it somehow?
If your system can't handle the game, turn down the graphics for crying out loud. Setting shaders to low would be a good choice. As for your 'min FPS', FPS is dependent on handware and what settings you are running the game at. Setting a 'minimum FPS' just isn't actually possible. Its like saying 'hey GPU, you can't handle the game on these settings, so I have to force you to run at 30 FPS, but keep it on the same quality please?'. You're asking for extra performance that doesn't even exist.