» Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:09 pm
I am Dawued and I will be your host today.
Here we have a freezing issue when in a party prior to starting up Crysis 3. Devs are aware but they say they are trying to duplicate it although it happens to each of us nearly everyday, hmmmm duplicating should be easy.
Over here we have bad hit detection.
In this corner we have weapon issue with switching out weapons.
Right next to us we have OP typhoon and extemly op shotty. Please leave your dog tag by the door upon exiting.
Over by the fireplace we have horrible sound during the campaign.
By the kitchen area we have possibly the worst LAG ever experienced in online gaming.
Next to the bookself are all the glitched achievements waiting to be collected by their owners, in due time guys.
on a side note, one positive on Crysis 3 is no grain bug, fantastic!!!!!
In the living room we have the most loyal and die hard Crysis fans, like myself, that are getting annoyed with the unpolished game.
Enjoy your stay and welcome to CRYSIS 3!