But this game just don't work for me. I'm almost lvl 30 , and have a K/D of 0.72 atm.
Whatever i try , i just can't get more than 2 or 3 kills a round and get shot at least 10 times. It is getting frustrating now. Does not matter what weapon i choose or what modules i put on , it is just not getting better.
Sure it is easy to say : aim better , but it also happens a lot of the times when a foe is in front of me , i shoot the whole clip at him , and he just won't die. Then a small round from the foe and i'm gone. And yes i have the armor on ........
Am i getting too old for this ( believe it or not , im 49

So if you have tips for me , feel free
Fot now i'm back to the game ........