I've had the game now for a couple of days and have had a blast with the singleplayer, which works flawlessly i might add. Yesterday i decided to try out some multiplayer. Just clicked quick match and got into a game in seconds. The map loaded up fine and i could play for a few maps.
Later the same day when i decided to play some more mp the game refused to let me into the servers. The loading just stops at 99% everytime. I get no errors and the loading screen is still responsive and showing me info about the game.
I have tried finding a fix for this quite some time now. I have tried different gfx drivers, underclocking my card etc. Nothing seems to work and i always get stuck on 99%.
If anyone have any other ideas on how to get around this problem feel free to share!
The rig I'm running:
i7-930 clocked to 3.6Ghz
12gb of RAM
GTX580 clocked to 815Mhz Core / 2050Mhz Memory