We are rolling out two new patches over the next few days, Patch 1.1 and Data Patch B.
Patch 1.1 will be a physical update requiring you to download it when prompted from Origin/XBL/PSN and contains numerous bug fixes and updates which will be detailed soon.
Data Patch B is a behind the scenes update and is automatically downloaded when entering Multiplayer. Patch B contains the following tweaks:
- Melee whilst sliding damage reduced to match patch A's melee damage
- Typhoon mid range damage reduction
- Bow sensitivity reduced to match Assault Scope values on PS3/X360 as they have similar zoom values. PC remains as before
- SCAR+Laser long distance effectiveness reduced.
- Threat Awareness module levelling targets reduced to 3/10 enemy C4's destroyed
- Potential fix for "Incoming!" Skill Assessment not levelling up correctly
- Fix for Social Challenge skill assessments not being tracked correctly
If you see something like this at the bottom left of your main multiplayer screen, then you have the patch.

If you can not see it and this post says the patch is live, chances are your copy of the game didn't manage to download and verify it in time. Simply return to the Single Player menu and click back into Multi Player or restart the game, entering MP will usually resolve the issue as it will have been downloaded already but not verified.
If you do not have the patch you will be unable to play against players who do, so you may have less matches available to your (or no official dedicated servers on PC). This is very unlikely to happen and can be resolved by returning to the Single Player menu and back to Multi Player.
Some users have had problems downloading these data patches, usually due to Anti-Virus or Proxy issues, so if you have persistent problems, check this thread out for more information:
It is likely that these patches will not go live at the same time across all platforms so keep checking this thread as to when your platforms patches are live.
Patch 1.1 Status:
PC: LIVE @ 16:15GMT
X360: TBC
Data Patch B Status:
PC: LIVE @ 16:45GMT
X360: LIVE @ 16:45GMT
PS3:LIVE @ 16:45GMT