Host Migration = Argh F***!!!

Post » Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:25 pm

Anyone else having this problem where you're doing so well (I had the most kills and was ranked #1 in Hunter FINALLY, with 30 seconds left till the end of the MATCH) and what do you know the host migration screen pops up with a timer at the top, so I wait for the timer to count down thinking once it completes counting down i'll be back into the game with a new host and all will be just dandy, but Oooh Nooo that wasn't to be the case at all, instead it kicks me out of the game saying something like session not available, I mean seriously, are you F***ING SERIOUS ABOUT THIS CRAP!!!.

The one saving grace would be, if you actually get the exp+score from the match, but i'm not sure if that was the case, correct me if i'm wrong.

Now that I finished my "rant", I know that many other games have this sort of problem, BUT WHY IN THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN WHEN IM HAVING A GREAT GAME & NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, I MEAN C'MON SERIOUSLY!
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Maya Maya
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