I was struggling at first but then after a while I figured it out now I am really enjoying it. I love how open the game is compared to the other games in the series, every vendor has their chest and goods available, items give you new spells and i just love the sheer amount of spells such as teleport and levitate. I enjoy exploring and making my way to quests and then wasting hours just strumbing into caves and such along the way. I am now a level 11 spellsword and i cant stop playing it ! It's also scary because I know the deeper in the world I go the harder it will get and I genuinely feel fear when I enter a cave or a creepy looking area. This is unlike anything I experienced in the other games.
I do have one question though guys, is there any mods that I could get to further improve the game? I only plan on playing it once as I don't have the time to play one game constantly and I didn't want to miss out on the best experience.
I have the mgso(sp?) 3.0 mod but don't want to break anything like I did with skyrim so I just want some suggestions

Thanks a guys.