Behold 2E 1006. Remember that cryptic message you'd get in Morrowind when you killed an Essential NPC? "With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created." I decided to treat Tiber Septim as a PC who made a savegame where Numidium was unsuccessful in besieging Alinor, and Tiber's conquests subsequently fell apart. The Talos oversoul was never realized, and now this version of Tamriel is in absolute chaos. Fast-forward 110 years and you have various provinces fighting each other over mundane reasons in a perfect setting for a Mount & Blade style game.
The year is 2E 1006, and Tamriel is in Chaos. Tiber Septim, now seen as a nothing more than a very determined albeit petty warlord, was unsuccessful in his final siege of Alinor. His disappearance after his failure ignited several revolts in his previous conquests and tore his empire apart. Each previously conquered province now declares itself autonomous, and will have nothing less than complete control over Tamriel.
Altmeri and Synod mirror logicians speak of a united Tamriel existing in another dimension of time, that this Tamriel is not the proper one. These words are disregarded by the powers that be, twisted to be nothing more than lies and heresies by the powers that be.
You are a prisoner of unknown parents and genesis. Will you rise up to unite Tamriel and merge it with the proper timeline, or will you conquer Tamriel and become a god in your own timeline?
(Off-topic: I posted this in the Lore forum because I believe the people here are more open to the idea of an alternate Tamriel than the other forums. I trust you guys to not hang me with the rope I've provided.

(Off-topic 2: I'm horribly lazy and would probably not commit a second of my time to this if it were turned into a project and I was asked to help. I just felt like bouncing this off you guys.)