Most Intel Downloaded Dogtag

Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:11 pm

Hey all,

So I was going for the Most Intel Downloaded dogtag (forgot the name of it, may be downloader or something, its the one that looks like the earth map), and after a lot of struggling in Assault, I finally thought I had it. I finished a round (we lost), but I had 200 objective points while the next highest was 150. The end of round screen didn't show the "MVP" like it typically does for some reason, but whatever I saw I had the best ojective score.

Come to find out, in the end of round progression page, it doesnt say I did that challenge, nor did it say I unlocked the dog tag, which, I didnt when I checked.

This is kind of annoying. Did I do something wrong? Do I need to win? Is it glitched? Is Assault the wrong mode? I just want to know before busting my ass trying this again in a mode Im not a huge fan of.
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ashleigh bryden
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