» Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:12 pm
i use scroll up for melee but it wont allow me to zoom in more with sniper scope.... any idea why or suggestions? theres no other key binding for second zoom...
is there no way of making it so when im in zoom and scroll up i zoom in twice, and when im not in zoom i melee...
Also the arrow release is EXTREMELY hard to do when im aiming then have to "scroll up" to release.. its very awkward and sometimes quite tricky to do...
Any suggestion?
Help would be awesome.
its because they didnt spend time to offer like in ALL PC fps a proper mouse wheel usage for zoom - unzoom.
Its just a poor gamepad configuration portage to a keyboard.
Like uncharge the bow you necessary have to use the melee key, zoom toggle its also the melee key ( and of course no choice ! )
Cant setup the hacking key.. etc
They made, like for Crysis2; a very bad job for that