I'm planning on including a fraps video with each option, either from myself or someone else that utilizes that playstyle, and will do my best to update this thread once other players weigh in.
I'll give you some general tips, and if you want specific tips for your playstyle, let me know too, and we'll see if it helps. Additionally, I plan on offering advice for general gameplay, as well as each gametype.
Here are some good combinations of guns/mods to use for your loadouts (this list is not exhaustive, and at time of inception I have not included recommended gun modifications, but generally laser sight, muzzle break, extended mag are always solid options if available):
General Loadouts
Option 1: Shotguns, Submachine Guns
Marshall/Feline/Typhoon/Alpha Jackal
Auto-Armor or Armor Transfer
Rapid Fire or Retriever or Armor Transfer
Option 2 Semi-Automatic all purpose rifles:
Auto-Armor or Low Profile or Hunter
Aim Enhance or Retriever
Option 3: Long-Range Rifles [Mobile]
Auto-armor or Retriever
Aim Enhance or Retriever or Low Profile
Option 3A: Immobile Long-Range Rifles
Low Profile or Surveillance
Weapon Pro or Retriever or Aim Enhance
Option 4: DSG / Predator Bow / Gauss Rifle Sniper
Hunter or Phantom
Low Profile or Surveillance or Phantom
Weapon Pro or Retriever or Aim Enhance
Option 5: Heavy Machine-gun: OGR/ MK.60 mod0
Maneuverability or Aim Enhance or Armor Transfer or Weapon Pro
Heavy Weapon Pro
Auto-armor or Armor Transfer
Option 6: Any combo with K-Volt or L-Tag as a secondary:
Expanded Arsenal
Heavy Weapon Pro (if L-Tag, and then use a heavy as primary, or a pole) or Maneuverability (HWP isn't mandatory even with L-Tag)
Auto Armor
Option 7: M.I.K.E
Maneuverability or Surveillance
Rapid Fire or Weapon Pro
Auto-Armor or Hunter or Low Profile