I know from experience how in laggy games shots don't seem to hit the host, but did anyone ever notice how it can be the other way around? How you can be host yet some people seem un-hittable?
I just had a few games as host, and the only person in the lobby with yellow bars I simply could not get a shot to register. Straight up shots, no movement, on stationary target, several in a row. No hitmarkers, nothing. And I thought, lag, totally, until I remembered I'm the host...
Similarly, it often seems to me, that as the Host everything slows down, I move slower, controls seem sluggish, aim is off. Maybe I'm just imagining it, but sometimes it just feels wrong. The same way you can tell in good games that it just feels right. Not with killing or winning, instantly when you get into a game, the controls seem tight, ultra-responsive. But as the Host, it's often the opposite...
Used to be you wanted to be the Host, but now I'm actually sometimes leaving the lobby if I get to be host several times in a row.
Is it even possible that bad connections can interfere with the Host-side? I'd thought it sounds crazy, but it's been happening to me enough now that I'd like to know...