Crytek Support Team,
C3 is no doubt a "fun"tastic game but only if this stupid Origin was good. My xperience with Origin is so bad that next time (not even 1 million years) I will buy your games if you associates yourself with this crap Origin. C2 was really good with Steam.
At first, i had pre-ordered the C3 from Origin and tried to download it. After wasting **** 8 hours I had contacted the stupid support team & OMG these real geniuses tried to solve the download issues for 2 hours & in the end they had to refund my monies.
Now again the same **** problem with downloading the latest patches. Getting stuck trying to download some 14.xx MB update files for 10 hours but nothing happens and in the end I get a stupid error "196613:200 "
I tried to download by disabling the AV but nothing happen. This really so frustrating, specially with the game crashing like anything. I thought that this patch will solve the issue. I m really hopeless now.