And then the monsters came and ruined the game!

Post » Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:47 am

First! you can not play this game with a core2duo as advertised. That's just EA fleecing every dime they can get their grimy hands on - customer be damned.

I was actually thinking of upgrading to a new cpu/mobo/ram for the future. And the fact that my rig has been struggling for awhile. But after getting to the part when the monsters come back I'm just not interested. I will not upgrade to have great graphics for a svck game.

Clevis Yertoilet made it clear that Crytek is moving to F2play- good because they haven't been able to write AI since FC1. I installed Warface. And promptly uninstalled that POS after 10 minutes.

I really don't see any reason to upgrade - ever! I'll go back to playing the best games ever made as I have for the past 10 years. All of the 3's svck! Battlefield 3, COD MW3, BO3 and Crysis 3. PC gaming has smelled for a while now.

And this deal with using six-axis controller emulation software for FPS PC games has ended the discussion for me. Yes Crysis 3 uses Xbox controller software. Haven't noticed the clunky movement and the failure to execute sometimes?

Monster's, Zombies and Landfills w/ huge piles of $hit got togeather and bred and Electronic Arts was born.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:42 pm

Bye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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Tammie Flint
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