Overall, the game really has its ups and downs. Some things are done very good while others are pretty freaking terrible, and this puts Crysis 3 in a conflicting light.
I think one of the biggest upsides to the game was the story. While it wasn't as good as I think it could have been, it kept me emotionally engaged throughout. I think the writer did a pretty good job bringing Psycho back. Some things that really bothered me was the serious lack of mention about Lingshan or Nomad. Sure, Jester comes up like ten times... and Nomad maybe twice. What the ****? Haha. There were many many manyyy plot holes left open but after Crysis 2, this was a pretty good attempt at some closure.
The other upside was the sound design. Not much to really say other than fantastic. I think it is really the best soundtrack Crysis as a franchise has ever had... and I've enjoyed all of them.
The gameplay has some serious problems. Basically it is way too easy to fall into a pattern of cloaking past enemy's or cloaking, killing, and recharging. Rinse and repeat, especially with the bow. This is honestly probably for the better considering how retarded the AI was. I played on the hardest difficulty and found it to be pretty easy, actually. I wouldn't have had finished the game if I couldn't just sprint or cloak past enemies. Not only were they not fun to engage, but they became a downright chore at some point. The checkpoint system makes the game even less fun, because they are horribly spaced out. Nothing beats spending twenty minutes doing something risky and fun just to die due to some **** like getting caught in a crevice... then beating the same checkpoint area in two minutes by cloak sprinting through the same area. Taking risks gets highly punished in Crysis 3 and it resulted in a ton of frustrating moments.
The level design was beyond disappointing. I clearly remember Cevat claiming Crysis 3 had a hybrid design of Crysis 1 and 2. I need some of what this man was smoking. The open parts were anything but sandbox-ish. Different areas to attack from were nonexistant. I actually feel the level design regressed from Crysis 2. The open parts were sparingly rare in Crysis 3 and the cooridor gameplay was the norm. And verticality... uhh... what? There wasn't one moment I thought the game was pretty verticle and caused increased enjoyment.
I actually didn't find the length to be a problem.. but who knows really, I wasn't timing it. I took my time to digest the game.
Overall, Crysis 3 brings moments where I'm banging my fists on the desk, and other moments where I'm genuinely entertained. Unfortunately, the majority of my entertainment came through the storyline and not the actual gameplay.
I think Crysis 3 SP is an improvement over Crysis 2, but still quite regressed from Crysis 1 and Warhead. If I had to put a figure on it I'd say a 6/10. Too many problems, and the story was really the only saving grace for me to keep me playing.
"I'm british, you muppet!" RIP Psycho and the Crysis franchise.