Everyone should use Clear Nanovision(unless you want to lose your eyesight) cos its soo much easier on eyes and therefore much easier to see things. Most people i knew on c2 mp used Clear Nanovision including inc3p7ion who has highest k/d ratio(~4.8) in c3 mp atm.
Video of me running around with Clear Nanovision in c2 mp
always used Clear Nanovision cos i get headache, eyes get blurry on default nanovision
Clear Nanovision command for c2
(unfortunately it doesnt seem to work on c3)
I guess c3 devs never played c2 mp cos otherwise im sure they would have implemented default Clear Nanovision on c3. who would to play blurry video game and lose eye sight over it?
Also i have 0 friends on c3 atm so add me if u know me from c2 mp, i changed my name from c2 cos my c2 account is banned(?) from this forum. (probably cos i abused a weirdo/cheater on c2 pc section) my c2 name was "BAD aw3s0m0", mainly played on Aus servers but also played on Sith, Quit servers etc