I love the 1v1 engagements here. Light opposing dude up, hit markers up the ying yang, opposing player turns on the afterburners, superman's across the map and melee's you before emptying everything he has on you. This ain't battle of skill, it's Noob tweaking on Mountain Dew Code Red and Cheetoh's dust. This is the new CoD. I never thought I would buy another game like CoD.
Brutal Game, my First Crysis, my Last Crysis.....PS. I dont use AA. That perk just breaks my heart. Makes Noobs ultra Noobish. Refuse to play like a Noob. Especially you so called skill vets. I know who you are.
Back to Battlefield, back to Halo, back to whatever but this.
Yours Truly,
Dude who spends money on games making the developers think they got something special here.