Four plugin variations: If not already done, set FOMM/NVMM to show ESM's in bold. Even a false flag ESM will show as bold in that case, making it easier to visually detect what's what.
- BonaFideMaster.ESM: Bona fide ESM (ESM flag and extension)
- Not GECK editable
- GECK sees as a valid master
- FalseFlagMaster.esm: False flag ESM (ESM flag not ticked, but with ESM extension)
- GECK editable
- GECK will not see as a valid master until reload as a bona fide ESM
- NormalPlugin.esp: Normal plugin (ESM flag unticked and esp extension)
- GECK editable
- GECK does not see as a valid master
- FalseFlagPlugin.ESP: False flag, masterupdated esp (ESM flag ticked, but retains esp extension)
- Not GECK editable
- Not seen by GECK as a valid master
In any case where the GECK doesn't see a plugin as a valid master, it will remove the listed master from the active plugin's masterlist.
While the GECK can tick ESM flags (open /save a false flag .ESM file) it won't add an *ONAM list. FNVEdit, however will. To ESM'ify a plugin with FNVEdit, open it and hit F2 in the empty space to the right of "Record Flags" in the file header, then tick the ESM flag and save. Afterward, change the file extension from esp to ESM and it's then a bona fide ESM. If a plugin doesn't have overrides to a master in its CELL and/or WRLD groups, it doen'st need an ONAM list.
ONAM list is a list in a plugin's file header which lists overridden CELL and WRLD children of a plugin's master(s). If Plugin.ESM or Plugin.ESP moves or edits a NAVM, REFR, ACHR, ACRE, LAND, PGRE, or PMIS in any way, expect it to show up in the ONAM list generated by FNVEdit. False flag and normal esp files won't have ONAM lists, nor will any plugin last edited by the GECK.