» Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:54 pm
I think the last thread got deleted for naming & shaming, as will this one.
On the topic of Incep7ion, did you know the guy has almost 100 hours played time? Considering this game has been out for roughly ~13 days, that calculates to almost 8 hours every day. Talk about a full time job...actually no, it would include weekends as well unless we're talking ~10-12 hour weekday sessions.
Still hats off to the guy, most players won't even reach 1/10th of his skill/awareness...he's in a league of his own.
maybe we saw a different vid, but his score was pretty mediocore. Wheres the skill/awareness? o_0
maybe i'm missing something. but 34/12 is nothing special. or just my standards are too high.