Hi. I have two big problems. First - I finished campaign, but my brother want to play, too. But when he died game loading.... my previous save! And zero reaction. In the task manager the game is answering. It is happening this way after every death in this first mission. Second problem - game is very unstable in multiplayer. The game often crashes, mainly when I am watching my replays at the end of the round, but not only then. The game is simply pouring into the desktop. I am very much embarrassed with product quality Crysis 3. It should be beta version not full!!!

My configuration - E8400 @3GHz, Radeon HD6870 Windforce X3 OC, 4 GB ram, drivers 13.2 beta 6 and directx the newest. I play on low settings. In the others games there aren't such problems.
And Crysis 3 is in the newest version (Origin automatically updating). Sry for my English. Please help!