When I started playing in the Beta I said the bow is just a lame excuse and it's just gonna be a camper gun. I was wrong. Dead wrong.
I said to myself: OK, lets try it out but now I have to practice two things: overall aim and approach.
My aim is pretty good, I've been playing Shootmania for a while and the "accuracy on the mm" principal helps you out in every FPS-so adapting to the bow was pretty easy that way.
When I say approach I mean: how you move and what position and range you choose, how you're going to react in every scenario and check yourself for the most efficient way of doing it.
I began playing with it and it didn't go well so I just took a different gun to try out, the Feline (which is nice, would love to see more punch in every bullet though) but I was still bugged by the fact people succeed so much with the bow, yet I find it bad.
So, I tried it again, and got the perfect map for it: Hell's Kitchen (the bow is this map's Ramsey). Scored something like 45-6 in Spears (and yes, I did capture spears)
Anyway I played more and got to this:

And I keep getting better.
My point is: this is a weapon I really like because IMO, it's the most difficult to learn, and difficult to fully master, so thank you Crytek for implementing such one!
(PS: I know this post is stupid but just go with it)