Crysis 3 in comparison to crysis 2?

Post » Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:49 pm

Hello guys,
so I bought crysis 2 on its releasedate and I played it a lot and loved it, BUT it had some major issues, like the hacker-problem (because they were able to play online with cracked versions for MONTHS) and many bugs. The multiplayer community got more and more tiny and some gamemodes werent played at all anymore after 3-4 months. This is the main reason I didn't buy crysis 3 on its releasedate due to. But now i want to ask you if crysis 3 is different in terms of that stuff. Are there many gamebreaking bugs, are there many hackers, is the multiplayer community big? Basically: Is it worth it to buy the game?

Thanks :)

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:37 am

Crysis 2 MP
- full of cheaters, no anti cheat, cheater didn't get banned
- blurry nanovision (but most people used clear nanovision)
- was possible to stay on stealth almost all the time using "stealth enhance" + "energy transfer" etc
- dog tag bugs etc never got fixed

Crysis 3 MP
- not many cheaters, decent anti cheat, cheater do get banned
- blurry nanovision, seem to work ok on some map n much worse on other maps (clear nanovision mod doesnt seem to work)
- can't stay stealth mode for long due to seperate stealth/armor energy and lack of "stealth enhance" or "stealth or energy transfer"
they changed "stealth enhance" to some useless module called "phantom" n "armor transfer"(instead of energy transfer) only refills the armor energy :( boo
- dog tags are still bugged, but we were told it'll get fixed next patch.

in short u should enjoy c3 mp unless u were a stealth/nanovision noob in c2 mp like me :)

c2 ign = BAD aw3s0m0 / c3 ign = B4NK41
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