Anyway, it should come as no surprise to those who know me/us that this thread will pretty much consist of stories and vignettes and bits and pieces about Niamh Esher, Bosmer, and her travels and travails in, chiefly, Cyrodiil and Skyrim.
She's quite an intense character with a complicated history and I won't bore you with it quite yet, at any rate! But, as far as it goes she's 30, a Bosmer, fiercely independent, much travelled. To say she has baggage would be an understatement.
She has pale skin, long black hair and deep, chestnut eyes. She's passionate, fey, and unpredictable.
She has a predilection for piercings and woeful personal hygiene.
Her Tamriel is a dark and violent place where honour and love and trust are hard to find and harder to keep and the value of blood ranks higher than gold and jewels. She is in some ways both a reflection, and a product of, her world.
That'll do for starters...
(Something else to note, stories appearing in here will obviously have to fit the demands of the age rating of the forum, where this is the case and edits have been made I, your humble scribe, will make mention of this fact...)