major bug with nanosuit reboot

Post » Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:54 am

Okay, here's the deal:

Let's say u have the scar mod 2 with laser and foregrip. As soon as u reset the suit it should all go away, BUT when u reach the level where the scar unlocks u still have the attachments UNTIL you log out. When u log back in, the scar still has the attachments (even though they are locked and it's level one) ^^ as long as u don't change those back to "no attachment" (which would be the right, but not the smart thing to do :D) it stays there and u actually spawn with those.

Same with modules, but they really do reset after logout. So, except for the misconception in the interface no harm done.

Hope this gets fixed.

Anyone else notice this?
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Darian Ennels
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