1. High latency players: I live in Australia, and as such will not play on any server outside the Oceanic region. For some or other reason unbeknownst to me, I CONSTANTLY see more than half our server's filled with foreign players with 300+ ping. Now I can understand that there are countries not lucky enough to have there own servers, but that is what the 'other' region option is for under the filters. Please understand that you are ruining the experience for players like me who barely ever ping over 50. You are teleporting all over the map, and in many cases doing extremely well because no one is able to shoot you.
To make matters even worse, I am seeing plenty of foreign players from areas that actually have there own servers.. Why am I seeing so many European flags on player cards when you have your own server? Why do these players choose to play at high latency like this? Seriously, this is the biggest game killer for me in Crysis 3 MP. Crytek need to find a way to control this.
2. The killcam: Please, just remove this feature entirely, or give me the option to disable or skip it. The killcam is so incredibly bugged that it just causes more frustration being forced to watch it than any game play issues I can think of. This is not CoD, I doubt many would miss this feature.
3. OHK melee: please explain to me the logic of being in a suit superior to even that of Iron man, but my weakness is being able to die by one blow of someone's elbow... Ridiculous to say the least. Many people have complained about this since Alpha Beta was released, why they havent fixed it is beyond me.
4. Weapon imbalance: The laser cutter, no recoil Typhoon needs some balancing (thank christ Crytek have acknowledged this already), and the Jackal needs s bit of a fire cap imo.
In general, shotguns need to have increased spread and decreased accuracy when jumping around like an idiot. So many people are using this annoying tactic (coupled with the melee and cloak), and getting crazy results. Just have a look at the leaderboards, the guy on top with nearly a 5 KD has used this style of play every single time I have been in the same lobby as him, from what I have seen, it has never failed him.
5. Inconsistent/random bullet damage/hit registration: Ever get killed while in Armour mode at full health by what seems to be 3 bullets? happens to me every game I play, and I think this has to do with all the 'high pingers' in the lobby, and me not even seeing them until I am almost dead. The killcam doesn't exactly help display the events correctly either.
I also dont see the need for the seemingly 'random' headshot's that happen all too often. It just seems like far too often the winner of a 1v1 gun fight is determined by who landed the lucky headshot and not the most accurate player. Those 'lucky' headshots are also not determined by who actually aimed at someones head, they seem to be completely random. Again, problem number 1 could explain this to an extent, but I would still love for these slow-mo headshots to be less random.
All in all an excellent MP experience, barring some of the above mentioned issues. lets hope somoe of these can be fixed in order for the community to stick around for a long time to come.
Have anything to add or debate about in a logical manner please feel free to do so!