I've been playing Crysis 3 the first week and everything was fine and i leveled up to rank #49. That's cool right?
I took some break from the game and when i play MP today i am like : what the HELL?????????
People going 40-0, 35-1 and epic scores like this. I said ok to myself and kept playing. I thought since when i am a noob? Since after the 1st week? WTF? Still ok with the score.
But while playing someone in front of me with Scarab + Foregip + Relfex Sights + Flash Muzzle killed me with 2 bullets, not headshot, no rapid fire, no aim enhance, no nothing.
Just got in front of him with 100% health and there was no time to trigger the auto armor.
I once said : WHAT THE HELL?
STILL, i kept playing when sh*t happens again. Boom droped dead. 2 bullets. I counted the shots. I swear 2 bullets, no headshot no nothing.
The funny thing is that all the enemy team was hacking and they were having like wallhacks or speedhacks or something i dunno.
But that's hacking. And the funiest thing of all is that i got banned from that server. Why? Because i talked in-game to the enemy team (hackers) and i said: Why hack?
1 guy replied : Learn 2 Play. Bam, banned.
Now i can't remember the names cuz there were many but i can asure you that they were hacking and i am NO NOOB.
So Crytek is going ti improve the hacking detecton system or it will leave it like this, to fall off like Crysis 2?