» Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:33 pm
TAKEDOWN is my gun of choice, it's awesome.
Even against auto weapons of course.
Don't give up on them keep trying they are rewarding weapons once you get better.
Takedown isn't a bad weapon. It's just that the SCAR can do everything the Takedown can, and even be better in other areas at the same time.
You can fire short bursts with the SCAR and kill someone with the same amount of time it does for a Takedown at close range. And with a SCAR, you have the option of unloading your whole magazine...if you want.
At long range, it's particularly difficult to kill someone who's moving with Takedown due to the recoil. If your enemy isn't moving then it's okay. The SCAR however, is better at long range single fire.
I once contemplated switching from SCAR to Takedown, but found my overall performance dropping. The recoil from Takedown particularly, makes aiming down a reflex sight rather annoying.