We all know that in Crysis 3's multiplayer, there is an extremely tangible line between an experienced player and a new player. This performance potential goes far beyond that of other online shooters (many of which only require knowledge of a map and knowledge of ones playstyle). Crysis mixes up the equation quite a bit with the ability to cloak, grab environmental weapons, slide, superbunnyhop and much more. Right now, when new players come.into this gams, they get absoloutely wrecked. Overwhelmed. Tempers flare and people give up and go back to their flavour of choice.
I myself am sad to admit that in my rush to rank up I have completely bulldozed entire teams of new players without consideration. However, with the community dwindling as quickly as it is, I am now going to choose to help keep this game alive in as many ways as possible. I will be giving suggestions on strategy in games if possible, moving to server with a large concentration of players I feel are on my own skill level or above, avoiding overpowered squads in unnecessary situations, inviting new players into teamspeak or vent to make them feel welcome, and if I do end up playing against a team of lowbies, at least using a loadout I am less comfortable or familiar with.
I urge all of you to do the same. Put away your auto armor leljackel lasersight rapidfire mobility crutch builds and help the community grow. Who cares about stats and KDR in a ded game. Consider this carefully, because even though we all enjoy those games where we go 50-3, many newbs tried, died and cried in the making of that game.