» Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:45 pm
But he is right in one way, if Crytek promoted this game in another fashion, towards showing how this game does in some ways have advantage over the CoD series. I believe we would have a higher fan base overrall, meaning much more value to this game for the years to come. Especially for the console section. They have everything AGAIN but almost nobody seems to know what the "gold mine" Crysis 3 actually is, only that is just "looks good." It's not too late I believe if Crytek can advertise this game as a strong multiplayer contender against any other multiplayer fps shooter out there, and even create new playlist modes, again Crytek has EVERYTHING in this game. They might actually have much more to come, if you watch the live BFI IMAX event from Gamepsot, they had even game modes called "Medley" and my favorite "Developer Choice", where the developers created custom game modes every bi-weekly and we had to play based on those weapon and possible nano-suit settings. I was sad to not see that yet in our retail game but it could be a sign! There might be actually more to come!