So can someone tell me what is the voice aspect of modding? I mean how hard is it? What is involved? Maybe a cratchity old guy from Ny can do some voice modding?
1. You need the right equipment, a high-quality microphone for starters and sound editing software to allow you to capture, manipulate and clean-up the voice files.
2. You need the right environment, a room with proper acoustics is not exactly simple for everyone - but a room devoid of echo and other sounds is important.
3. You need the right lines, as there is no replacement for good scripting (in the dialogue sense).
4. You need determination to re-record the lines many times until you get exactly the right tones, inflection, emotion - it could take dozens of tries to get a single line right.
There are other factors I'm not thinking of at 2AM, but these are a few..