FO3 GOTY Character builds

Post » Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:35 pm

I was just wondering what everybodys favourite character build was playing FO3 goty edition, this one below is my preferred choice for playing on v.hard mode, i have alot of other builds that make my character intentionally weaker. I am just curious about what other people deem to be useful bulds/perks and why.

S - 6 P - 6 E - 8 C - 1 I - 9 A - 7 L - 3

Tags - Reapair, Small Guns, Explosives

2. Intense training - luck
3. Intense training x 2 - luck - now i'll have enough LCK combined with lucky 8 ball for "better criticals" perk aswell as others, later in game.
4. Educated
5. Compehension (a bit unnecessary, as with Educated with this build i know but i prefer to take it to boost skills alot quicker).
6. Toughness - one of the very few "must have" perks in this game.
7. Bloody mess - extra 5% damage on v.hard mode can make all the difference in combat, although exploding corpses do become a tad tedious later.
8. Scrounger - most people may view this as pointless, but it saves alot of caps for me early in the game, and by the end of game you will have pretty much unlimited ammo for certain weapons.
9. Demolition expert
10. Demolition expert x 2 (ideally you'd take x3 on v.hard mode but i find the extra bouns with x2 enough on v.hard mode when using Nuka grenades or Bottlecap mines)
11. Strong back - another perk thats either loved or hated, but i find it useful as i play with no companions to use as mules
12. Finesse (much needed on v.hard as there are lots of damage sponges in the game).
13. Silent running - deemed to be a bit too over-powered by many but i like it with no companions to help me.
14. Robotics expert - thought this was a bit of a waste as you dont get too many chances to shut down robots, 25% damage boost helps against Sentry Bots though.
15. Life giver - always helps to have that extra little bit of health when up against the more over-powered enemies later in game
16. Better criticals - another must have imo, speaks for itself.
17. Pyromaniac - another must have for me, makes shishkebab, flamer and h.incinerator worth using.
18. Action boy - action points always usefull, throwing grenades manually is pretty much pointless
19. Cyborg - must have again for me, any toughness boosts are greatly appreciated on v.hard mode
20. Grim reapers sprint - another thats wither loved or hated, but i take it anyway as i prefer not playing with any companions.
21. Commando
22. Paralyzing palm - this has helped me loads against overlord/albinos/reavers and shielded aliens on MZ on higher levels
23. Sniper
24. Concentrated fire
25. Quantum chemist - another must have on v.hard mode, going to need all those Nuka grenades to help with bullet sponges
26. Mysterious stranger - pretty useless, although it's to be lent a hand now and again when faced with loads of enemies
27. Nerves of steel - always handy in a tough spot, throwing nuka grenades manually can be a real pain
28. Ninja - great perk when combined with others on the list and chinese stealth armour
29. Gunslinger
30. Almost perfect - a tad overpowered really, but might as well have it if it's there, considering whats left to choose from

I feel most of the perks that are left are absolute rubbish, the only one thats essential but only if you play female is the black widow perk. Look forward to seeing what other people deem to be best character build. Iron fist is also a pretty good perk but felt i'd need to have the x3, which i dont have the space for and cant justify doing it as i rarely use the unarmed style.
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Naomi Ward
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