real life loadouts

Post » Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:30 pm

like the name suggests, pick a loadout you would be using in real life, so that mean you cant have five sniper rifles and a million rounds of ammo, ill go first to demonstrate

leather armor:to stay light on my feet, but i would probably hand reinforce it to stop more bullets, teeth, and anything else the wasteland could throw at me.

9mm pistol: to take out weak enemies/ low armored idiots (seriously, how do you walk around with no shirt on half the time, powder gangers?)

hunting rifle: you cant kill what you cant see, and the hunting rifles scope does a nice job of that.

9mm smg: with the light bolt and drum mag, its the ultimate "get out of my face right now" weapon

combat knife: for when i need to do business up close and personal, or use it to cut various junk.
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Lil Miss
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