So I got Skyrim and started playing Morrowind again, and I'm lovin being part of the Empire and finding the things that DO interest me. So I'm wondering if anyone has some advice when it comes to Oblivion. A few questions:
1: in comparison to Skyrim and Morrowind which did you have the easiest time Role Playing in? I'm not asking "oh I liked RPing Dragonborn" I mean with the mechanics that are in the game which out of these 3 TES did you have the best/easiest time Role Playing? You can mention quests that immersed you if you want but I'm really more interested in the cities/people/things to do like wood choping or hunting.
2: Is it possible to spend most of the game outside of caves? After playing Skyrim for so long I am abosolutely sick of caves, I want buildings and/or the ability to get a lot out of the game and its quests without spending much time outside of cities/towns/guilds.
3: GOTY does not come with all the DLC, can you still get the player houses? I'm on 360 so no awesome mods for me
Also seeing as how I've never played TES4 but have played 3 & 5 is there anything I should be aware of? Suggestions of what to expect, like/not like? I'm not trying to start a VS thread at all, I'm really interested in potentially going out and buying this soon. I'd just like a little info from fans of the game as to what is different about the game from the 2 TES and other Bethesda games I have played.
Edit: I'm digging the Idea of taking a break from Skyrim and strolling through the capital city, just like I've been enjoying going back in time and rediscovering Morrowind and Solstheim.