Lilies in the Imperial Garden
“The most beautiful thing in Tamriel is the embrace of two lovers…”
All the doom, gloom, torture, and killing in my other RP (Civil War Aftermath) has gotten me thinking. "What if I did something without any violence?" My Answer is this RP, "Lilies in the Imperial Garden". And the best part is I can focus on doing this and my other RP since i have two (amazing) GM's with me for the civil war RP, and plenty of spare time on my hands.
Okay this RP takes place in the Imperial City, 6 years before the Oblivion crisis. The RP is named after a famous garden located in the Talos guardian, famous for it's pretty blue lily's. Your character can live anywhere in the city, and remember this RP is focused on character interaction and love, not violence and war (If you want that join up with my other RP

This RP supports both Heterosixual a Homosixual relationships (I'm a massive Yuri-Fan). The RP also support romances for all ages, but I have one rule for that, if your character is under 18, your aloud to kiss, hold-hands, all that stuff, but NO implications of six (Dont even bother to argue with me about that). Also cross-species romance is aloud. Also NO graphic six scenes PLEASE.
SO. Rules
1. Do not put anyone down, or you mess with me
2. NO under aged six.
3. No Graphic six scenes (You can have six scenes, but they cant be descriptive)
4. No character control
I'm the GM. So got any questions please ask away.
Use this as the template for your CA
Hair Color:
Physical Appearance:
Eye Color:
Preference: (You know what i'm talking about)
Hair Color:
Physical Appearance:
Eye Color:
Preference: (You know what i'm talking about)
Cast: Bigbossbalrog