You would still have to wait the designed respawn period even if you could skip the killcams.
This would be fine except the killcam overwrites the kill message feed on the top left, so I can't see how the others are doing while the killcam is busy showing off. Often the kill feed icons are more than enough to tell me who killed me with what gun. You could show to 3rd person spectator mode on a friendly, or just allow us to spectate random parts of the map while we're waiting for would be 10x more helpful than forcing us to watch how we died, especially when we KNOW exactly how we died.
It was mentioned a hundred times in BOTH Alpha and Beta feedback for goodness sake. Make the killcam and match highlights SKIPPABLE! A ton of people want it, it hurts absolutely nobody...sometimes killcam comes in handy, sometimes it's pointless because we know exactly how we died and we need the option to skip it. The match highlights need to be skippable as well, they waste a TON of time that could be spent tinkering with loadouts/modules, checking achievements/progression or simply chatting in the lobby.
Please make it possible in a hotfix or future patch Crytek, it would be forever appreciated