When someone wants to say shi T or something else it shows up like this ****, cmon let us say what we want - whats problem ?!
OMFG why why why we cant skip? every 1990 game can skip killcam ?! u kidding killcam+ match hylights took so much of my time, i think everyone wants to skip the killcam.
When im ingame and the match still fukks up, i want to leave but when i leave i lost all things i got ingame and the match will count as a lose. cmon when i hacker is ingame i do have to play with him or i lose all. thats why everyone in the top list has so much loses much are leaving ingame and get a lose. i think if i havent quit ingame so much i had 70 lost less, still more have lost as win. the only reason u have this is becouse u want the players playing longer.
please, remove this pointless things.