What is this amaranth i have heard of?
What is marukhati? And why do lore buffs often call other lore buffs monkeys?
This is about Vivec. One of my favourite character.
How many people know what vivec is? i mean,Do his people know he is a hermafrodith? And i dont get it,He has a "spear" Yet he can get pregnant? This may be laughable. But i am just trying to learn.
Also how did vehk achieve chim? was it becouse of the time he spent with molag bal? i got kinda confused by some things in 37 lessons of vivec. Dont get me wrong. Its my fav tes book series. But i hope to get some answers.
Why did he get married to molag? And from wha. i understand he got kids with him,And those kids were later killed by vivec and nerevar?
And also, what does this mean "he took a king as wife" wut?
also the room with numbers. is it construction kit? I have heard people that achieve chim can go there.
I am sorry if i sound stupid