This fanfiction is based around this little piece of lore concerning Falkreath; an ancient gladiatorial team known as the Dark Shadows. This story is Co-authored by both and I, Benevolent and merciful

This fanfic is a WIP work in progress, and the Chapters will be added as we move along. If you have not completed Skyrim's: 1.)Main quest, 2.)Civil War, 3.)Dawnguard, 4.)Dragonborn, then there might be some spoilers.
We look to you, the community for feedback. With that said, We will start off by giving you a preview of the first chapter, in the form of a confrontation between the Protagonist, and the Antagonist. Please keep any criticism constructive and supportive, we welcome any and all feedback.

Protaganist(WHo iZ AsiaN's character):
Race: Breton
Antagonist(Hevnoraak's character)
Race: Altmer
Setting: After the events of the Dragon Crisis, Civil War, Lord Harkon's Prophecy, and return of Miraak.
Shriekwind Bastion, Falkreath hold.
(This first few dialogue of the fight started out as a joke, we were just messing around on steam chat, lol)
Mordecai: "Man, it feels good to walk around in the sunlight." Mordecai says with a smirk on his face.
Velacar: "Curse you mortal!" hisses Velacar. *cowers back into coffin*
Mordecai: "Hahaha." Mordecai chuckles *casts Standarr's Aura* "Need a hug?" asks Mordecai.
Velacar: "No! Go away you!" screams Velacar. *cast invisibility*
Mordecai: "No hug?" asks Mordecai while readying a spell. *casts master fire spell*
Mordecai: "I knew it, silly vampires." laughs Mordecai.
Velacar: "It's ok. I'll just wait till night time... soon mortal." Velacar says with a sinister grin.
Mordecai: "It's all good, I can cast Stendarr's Aura and Detect Dead. You can't get near me and I'll see where you're hiding." says Mordecai with confidence.
Velacar: "Not if there's an angry Draugr shouting at you." says Velacar.
Mordecai: *draws his blade and puts up ward* "You know vampire, you stay docile and I won't have to put you down." Mordecai says with a grin.
Velacar: "Ward this!" hisses Velacar *summons Dremora Lord*
Mordecai: *Fus Ro Dahs said dremora into the ground* "You got any other tricks up your sleeve?"says Mordecai.
Velacar: *Summons another Dremora Lord and a Wrathman* *sips colovian Brandy* "Take your time now mortal." grins Velacar, showing off his fangs.
(here we start to actually get serious and get carried away into the role-play)
Mordecai: *Stendarr's Aura burns the wrathman to ashes as Jordis decapitates the dremora* "Anything else?" says Mordecai while Jordis readies up for a fight.
Velacar: "Now you're making me have to work here..." says an annoyed Velacar *Transforms into Vampire Lord* ... * summons a Gargoyle, resurrects a Draugr*
Mordecai: *recasts Stendarr's Aura and uses Become Etheral to close the gap*
"This will be easy." says Mordecai. *Jordis stays back to cover with Auriel's bow.* *Shoots a sunhallowed arrow into Velacar's chest*
Velacar: Arghhhh, what in Oblivion?! *Quickly revovers from the sun damage, removes sunhallowed arrow and launches a Vampiric orb towards Jordis, jordis barely dogdes it* *Velacar makes his way towards Mordecai and uses Vampiric Grip on him "Feel my power mortal!" yells Velacar while grinning. * Gargoyle and Draugr attacks Jordis
Mordecai: *Vampiric grip has no effect due to Become Etheral*
Mordecai: *Mordecai counter-attacks and strikes with his Chaos Blade, causing all 3 types of elemental damage at once*
Velacar: *goes into mistform to counter* *Jordis continues to get attacked by the Draugr and Gargoyle*
Mordecai: *Jordis takes blows due to elemental resistance and her vampire blade* *Mordecai shouts Marked For Death to weaken Velacar*
Velacar: *Draugr Fus Ro Dahs Jordis, knocking her unconscious, proceeds with Gargoyle to double team Mordecai*
"One down, one to go!" yells Velacar while backing away. * Gets to safe distance and starts launching Vampiric orbs, Draugr and Gargoyle moves in for the attack*
Mordecai: *racial power kicks in and Mordecai becomes resistant to magic* *While absorbing the magicka, casts master fire spell and takes down the draugr and gargoyle*
Velacar: *Goes into a rage* "This has gone on long enough!" says Velacar angrily. *teleports to Mordecai, enter melee combat*
Mordecai: *casts Stendarr's Aura* *while Velacar retreats from sun damage, Mordecai uses Dragon Aspect shout to increase his melee, armor and shouts*
Velacar: *reverts to human form, summons a Wispmother and heals self* "Damnit!" screams Velacar. *unleashes lightning storm* *Wispmother summons a few wisps to decoy, and launches volleys of Ice Spikes alongside Velacar's Lightning storm beam*
Mordecai: *Uses fire breath shout and because of the buff from Dragon Aspect, kills the weakened summons and severely weakens the wispmother* *fire wyverns spawn from the killed summons and precede to attack and kill the weakened mother* *recasts Stendarr's Aura* "Time to finish this!" yells Mordecai. *Mordecai casts lightning storm and they both clash in the middle*
Velacar: "I have hundreds of years of magic experince, foolish man!" yells Velacar. *Velacar's Lightning Storm starts to get an upper hand* "You will make a worthy servant indeed!" says Velacar menacingly. *In the nick of time, Jordis regains awareness and sees the predicament. She quickly pushes Velacar to the ground, saving Mordecai* *Realizing the situation* "Most impressive, this is not yet over..." says Velacar quietly. *Summons two mistmen and then casts invisibility and retreats leaving the two conjured mistmen as a distraction*
Mordecai: *Mordecai and Jordis finish off the mistmen* "You can't run from me monster!" screams Mordecai. As he pulls out his blade, Jordis puts her hand on his and shakes her head. "Another time dear, another time" Jordis says quietly.
Mordecai: *While taking a break in Dead Man's Drink inn* "Why did you stop me, I could have taken him!" Mordecai says angrily. "You'll get another chance dear, just be patient" Jordis says in a comforting tone. "Anyways, you didn't use your secret weapons." Says Jordis with a grin. *Fades to black*
Velacar: *Meanwhile in castle Volkihar* "I was this close, THIS close!" yells Velacar. *He then goes into a rage and starts beating up a random skeletal minion* Velacar's Vampire mistress comforts him "Don't worry my Lord. you will get your revenge." she says with an alluring voice. *resurrects Skeleton... then punches it again* "Yeah... your right...I must... prepare. Yes, I know who to summon next time. Must prepare the ritual..." says Velacar with a sinister grin.. -to be continued