I haven't finished the game, but I imagine that would be game breaking. the reason they confiscate your weapons is so you don't kill him and break the game.
Regardless, it REALLY isn't that hard to do. Just go into the GECK, find The Fort, and place a Work Bench from the Item window. I imagine it will be Static or Activated, but I haven't even opened a Fallout GECK in years.
Happy modding.
No, that wouldn't be game breaking at all. Because even a sneaking-noob can get weapons inside the camp. There are several trunks in the tents outside of the view of any guard so you can easily loot them. I got several .44 Magnums, several Caravan Shotguns and so on. Being a high-level character already I could've taken him out.
And this is only one way.
Another would be to simply deny handing over your weapons. A fight will start and you will end up wiping out the Fort and Ceasar. Even more so when you have Boone with you as he will shoot anyone of the Ceasars Legion on sight. Plus it is absolutely possible to reach the Fort even when you wipe out Cottonwood Cove. The raft on the pier is still usable.
Fallout has always been about choices. You can choose to kill Ceasar and the game will go on, it's just that one possible ending of the game is then not achievable.

And my idea was just to add a little more style into taking Ceasar out. Such a little time bomb under his throne would make things so much sweeter. lol.