At first I hated the gun, due to it "kicking me in the face" when I fired it. The problem wasn't the gun at all. IT WAS ME.
I reluctantly rebooted, and got the gun in a class. At first I was like "maybe something good will come out of it".
I was horrifically right.
The gun is in no way whatsoever for long ranges, maybe on a tap-fire attempt but you may not be so lucky to score a kill. The gun is like the weirdest kid you knew in school. At first he just didn't work well with you, and things were strange. But as you spend more and more time with him he becomes your best friend!
Seriously guys, back off the hating and give this guy a run in CQB. Get the foregrip and reflex sight and things get much much better. You have to really learn the ups and downs of this gun to get a solid feel for it. I like it better than the Feline when I have rapid fire on the loadout.
The Scarab is perfect just the way it is, leave it alone in all future patches.